SBMP RYA Update Feb 2023

As we are now officially in the Year of the Coast 2023, the Studland Bay Marine Partnership (SBMP) are pleased to update our local boating clubs and associations on what’s planned at Studland Bay for the year ahead.
Whether you are sailing or motoring into Studland Bay in Dorset this year, join the hundreds of waterborne visitors already taking a pro-active approach to conservation by using an eco-mooring. Within the voluntary no anchor zone (VNAZ), locate the distinctive new green and white eco-moorings – an environmentally friendly alternative to dropping anchor. Strong RYA representation within the partnership is helping to ensure that the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has been working with the most popular navigational apps and local marina guides to provide accurate information for boat users, as well as emphasising the importance of installing VNAZ marker buoys in the future Managing marine non-licensable activity in Studland Bay Marine Conservation Zone - GOV.UK .
A big thank you to the 670+ boat users who completed the independent consultation survey last summer which gave the partnership valuable insights, supporting a collaborative approach to ensuring the Marine Conservation Zone objectives are met, nature can flourish, and people can enjoy the area without seriously impacting the environment. Key findings included strong support for the partnership’s draft 10 Year Management Strategy and Mission Statement and 50% of respondents supported a combination of funding steams to reach our target of 100 eco-moorings - from daily mooring fees to donations from local businesses and the public, to grant funding. Find the full consultation report here Studland Bay Marine Partnership | Dorset Coast Have Your Say
We are delighted to announce that the SBMP has now secured funding for an additional 21 eco-moorings which will be installed this spring by marina group, boatfolk – bringing the total currently available and free to use to 31 for the coming season. As each eco-mooring costs approximately 3k per unit, securing funding and a planned approach to mooring fees in the future is key. Look out for the relaunch of our funding campaign coming soon supporting further phased eco-mooring installation and maintenance costs. If successful, additional moorings could be installed as soon as this Autumn, and certainly by Spring 2024.
SBMP have now formed a Research & Monitoring group to address concerns that came out of the survey relating to scientific data. The group brings together experts from a range of academic institutions and environmental organisations who all have a keen interest in or are actively researching in Studland Bay. The aim of the group is to better understand the current condition of the Studland Bay MCZ and to develop a monitoring plan to support the work of the partnership. The group will also identify future research opportunities and support the Comms Team by developing accessible educational materials.
Continuing to raise awareness of the MCZ and VNAZ to all who enjoy Studland Bay and recognising that we all have a role to play, will remain a central theme for the partnership who will continue to work with the Dorset Coast Forum on engagement activities throughout 2023. Do check out the dedicated webpage for further details on events.
For more information, FAQs and contact details please see our webpage hosted by the Dorset Coast Forum.
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