
Haulout 2023 to 2024

We are streamlining the way our yard is used. We recognise that the yard has to serve the needs of our dinghy and cruiser members and also act as a car park. The reason for the change is to maximize the availability to each group when they need it and minimize the disruption. This will necessarily involve change, which is not always bad!

The winter haulout period will run from October 2nd until March 21st. All cruisers with haven berths will need to be re-launched by March 21st. Vessels with swinging moorings will need to be ready for re-launch by April 2nd. This will mean planning ahead and rescheduling maintenance for the autumn rather than the spring. Although this may mean earlier antifouling this year, you will then be able to arrange your own 12 monthly schedules. The existing penalties for over-staying will be applied and there will be a charge for unused cradles left in the yard.

The yard will be free for use by dinghy owners at the start of the sailing season. We will condense the dinghy park on October 2nd to maximize space for autumn cruiser maintenance.

Applications for Haul out and Winter Temporary Berthing will be available from September 1st as usual. We will use the paper forms again with a view to digital forms next year. You will be able to download a form from the website and submit it by email to haulout@pooleyc.co.uk Please check your boat details, we reserve the right to check them, to confirm compliance with haven byelaw 9.

The Dayboat Pontoon is used during the winter to maximise the space available for the storage and haul out programmes. All non-Dayboats will need to be taken away by the end of September (except cruisers on supplementary berths). Dayboats who are racing are eligible to remain until the end of October but may be asked to change berth to assist the Yard Staff with the yearly removal of fingers.

In 2024, non-Dayboat berths on E Pontoon and RIBs, etc. behind F, G and E Pontoons will need to be reapplied for and will be allocated on length of membership and length of vessel in accordance with Club policy and Byelaws.

Haulout administration will be the responsibility of the yard, not the office staff.
Contact yard@pooleyc.co.uk or 01202 672687 ext.4

We hope that you appreciate the thought that has gone into trying to streamline this process, for the benefit of us all.

Mast Derrick and Spiral Fire Escape

Both of these structures have been inspected and deemed to be unsafe. They cannot be used. The reason for this is to protect us as members from accidents. Sadly, signing a waiver does not absolve the club of responsibility for any mishaps. Now that we know the risks are unacceptable, we have no option but to take these structures out of service

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the old, disabled and dangerous mast derrick?
No. We are looking for a long-term solution. Please bear with us. At present an outside contractor is the only option
Who do I contact about my haulout?
The yard team: phone 01202 672687 ext. 4. Or email yard@pooleyc.co.uk
I always bring my boat out in April. Can I do this?
No April is a very busy month. All of the swinging mooring vessels will need to be re-launched and the dinghy park is filling
Can I leave my haulout application until 2024?
It is first come first served so you might miss out on getting a slot at all. Better to book your slot early.
Is it entirely first come first served?
Not entirely, our yard staff will allocate boats using a number of factors, including draft and tidal predictions.
Who will confirm my haulout and when?
The Yard team giving as much notice as possible
I share a cradle; can I leave this in the yard?
Arrange consecutive haulouts with friends and this can be accommodated. However, if your cradle is left more than a week after your re-launch, you will be charged £10 per day. Talk to the yard staff.
I don’t have a cradle. How can you help?
Some members hire their cradles out. Ask the yard staff if they know of anyone.
What happens if I overstay my planned storage time?
20% surcharge. So keep the yard informed of any problems
Is there a free storage period?
Yes, if your vessel is lifted and re-launched before 23rd December, there will be no charge for 2 weeks storage
What about the summer haulout program?
There are no plans to change this
Will my dinghy space be free for April 1st?
Yes. Dinghies will be welcomed from Good Friday, March 29th. There will still be some swinging mooring cruisers in the yard as they cannot be re-launched until April 2nd
What about my berth on F & G pontoons?
If your boat is the correct dimensions and it has an established berth, there will be no change.
What about my berth on E pontoon?
Berths on E pontoon (Dayboat pontoon) will need to be reapplied for and allocated according to boat dimensions and length of membership. Dayboats will have priority.
What time is my boat being hauled out?
The time we give you when confirming your haul out date is the time we’d like the boat on the waiting pontoon. We’ll lift you as close to that time but it is flexible due to tides, workload on the day, etc.
Can I be next to a power socket & hosepipe?
We’ll do our best but your location when out is governed by spaces available / working around other boats & their needs- i.e. blasting, engine lifts, etc.
Can I move the barriers to park my car near my boat?
No. The barriers are situated in such locations for H&S reasons / access needed at some point during the working day.
Why are the cruisers put where they are?
Because the yard staff have been doing this for years and try to get the best fit. It will help if members are able to keep to their planned re-launch schedules
Can I leave power on between jobs?
No you must disconnect the boat from power when you are not working on it
Are there any changes to me using a contractor?
No changes. Contractors must check in with the office and have adequate indemnity
How do I tell you my boat is ready to re-launch?
You must inform us in writing that your boat is ready, preferably using the re-launch form
How much will it cost? How do I pay?
Fees will be on the website from September 4th. Pay your invoice after re-launch on Elite Live, by BACs transfer or at the office.